It is a new year, and most people hope for a “new me” with the changing calendar year. This may be you. As you think about what you want to be different in 2023, consider what brought you joy and happiness this past year. Now think about the behaviors and attitudes you want to leave behind as you move into the new year.
Many people are moving away from New Year’s Resolutions and choosing a single word or short phrase for the year instead. Have you heard of this? The notion is based on the book: One Word that will change your life.
This is about identifying a word to guide your daily actions and become a better version of yourself. It’s about giving your life direction. Reflect on this past year and ask questions about how it went and what you want more. Jot down whatever pops into your head without self-editing.
Stuck? Here are 100-word ideas from 2022.
Once you review your responses, you’ll have a better sense of the direction you’d like to go or what you feel may be lacking in your life.
Visualize what the perfect day would feel like. The emphasis here is “Feel.” Think about how you want your morning routine to feel, how you want to feel at work or throughout the day, and how you want to feel right before you go to bed.
I also recommend sitting in silence for a couple of minutes and asking yourself, “What word do I want to focus on in 2023?”. This is simple but effective.
I think this exercise works best when you’re in a relaxed state. If you’re having trouble, try it before you sleep or first thing in the morning.
Spend time creating a list of the words that come to mind; no self-editing!
Review your list and narrow down your favorites. I’d circle or highlight three words.
Chances are you’ll see a theme between the words you wrote down. Do any words jump out at you, making you feel excited, nervous, scared, uncomfortable, or at ease? Sometimes the words that scare us most can mean we’re on the right track because change isn’t always easy. At the same time, I think finding your word can also bring peace and empowerment.
Think about the words, try them on, and see what feels right. No need to over-analyze this process; trust your instinct. Review your list and let the words pick you.
Now that you narrowed down your list to three words, there’s just one more question to ask:
Are you interested, or are you committed?
I heard this question in a video I watched where John Assaraf talked about one of his mentors, who at the time was asking him questions to determine whether he would take a chance and hire him.
If you’re merely “interested,” then chances are you’ll make excuses as to why you’re not putting forth the effort to make changes. But if you’re “Committed” to your word, you’ll do whatever it takes to implement that word and bring more of it into your life.
Allow yourself a day or two, even a week, to think about this.

Stratengy is here to help you navigate being a great leader in today’s world. Stratengy runs six-month leadership academies to transform your team. We incorporate the Disc Assessment and the Five Behaviors Assessment. Reach out to us today to learn how we can help you and your team be more engaged, collaborative, and productive.