Leadership can be stressful, demanding, rigorous, and depleting if you don’t take care of yourself.
Having vital energy to meet the demands of your role is essential to you, your team, your family, and your organization. One of the things we are not taught in our formal education is how to be essentially strong as a leader by handling everyday stressors.
Let’s look at this. Cleveland Clinic put together a great list of ways to combat stress:
Eat and drink to optimize your health.
Exercise regularly.
Stop using tobacco and nicotine products.
Study and practice relaxation techniques.
Reduce triggers of stress.
Examine your values and live by them.
Assert yourself.
Set realistic goals and expectations.
Sell yourself to yourself.
There are several other methods you can use to relax or reduce stress, including:
Deep breathing exercises.
Mindfulness meditation.
Progressive muscle relaxation.
Mental imagery relaxation.
Relaxation to music.
Counseling, to help you recognize and release stress.
Not only can these techniques help you fight everyday burnout but they will also keep you strong physically, mentally, and emotionally so you can lead at your best capacity.
Knowing how and why you and your team react to stress the way you do is something we specialize in. Stratengy is here to help you navigate being a great leader in today’s world. Reach out to us today to learn how we can help you and your team be more engaged, collaborative, and productive.
Stratengy is here to help you navigate being a great leader in today’s world. Reach out to us today to learn how we can help you and your team be more engaged, collaborative, and productive.
