In a world full of virtual work, lockdowns, zoom calls, less casual attire and masks that hide the expression of another, leaders must be resilient to connect and lead their teams.
In February 2020, working remotely was a dream of many Americans. The world could not have anticipated the drastic changes that have taken place over the last eighteen months.
The buzz word I keep hearing in business is resilience. Resilience is the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties; or a toughness and the ability of a substance or object to spring back into shape; elasticity.
So for leaders, this can mean a few things. You must have the ability to think quickly on your feet to adapt to current situations, overcome objections of doing things a new way and have a clear direction for the end result.
Let’s look at each of these:
Having the ability to think quickly on your feet. This is a leadership trait most great leaders have. They know how to move their people to achieve the results they want.
Adapt to current situations and overcome objections. People are creatures of habit. Empires have been born from people adapting to new environments and fulfilling a need. It doesn’t, however, mean they got there without any roadblocks or objections. Being able to know where the company, your leaders and the environment is at is a key task. Communicating new ideas and ways of doing things is essential and must be done in a timely manner. When it comes to getting and having everyone on the same page, today’s leaders must be able to listen well and communicate vision. When people know why you are doing what you do as a leader, they are more apt to follow.
This is where having a clear direction for an end result comes in. People will follow a leader who is clear, concise and willing to stand for what they believe to be right for the whole.
So when your team is tired of zoom calls, expressionless masking and fear of the unknown. Encourage them by letting them know they are now alone. Covid Fatigue is real. Help them dive into what resources are available to them to keep their hearts and minds plugged into the mission.
Stratengy is here to assist you. Reach out to us today to learn how we can help you keep yourself and your team engaged, focused, and moving forward. www.stratengy.com or info@stratengy.com .
