Wiley Workplace states, “Burnout is defined by the World Health Organization (WHO) as feelings of energy depletion or exhaustion, increased mental distance from one’s job, feelings of negativism or cynicism related to one’s job, and reduced professional efficacy is a huge problem for organizations. It can lead to turnover, disengagement, and loss of productivity. It’s an even bigger problem for people because it can cause a lack of fulfillment, exhaustion, and poor performance. The instability and chaos of the pandemic, followed by sudden staffing shortages caused by The Great Resignation, have only increased these feelings and has led to a recent phenomenon called ‘Quiet Quitting.’”
You may have heard of Quiet Quitting, but it refers to a whole spectrum of behaviors. Still, the definition that has taken hold in our culture is concerning – it implies that each moment of our working day can be distilled into a transaction: I'm paid X so that I will give X, and no more.
A new Gallup survey finds that half of the employees are "not engaged" at work and another 16 percent are "actively disengaged." For managers, those numbers should be a wake-up call to ensure your workforce is adequately compensated and motivated.
While "quiet quitting" sounds dramatic, it describes more workers turning their backs on cultural norms that you should find meaning and fulfillment in your job. As the pandemic exits its acute phase, many people look to other areas of their lives for meaning.
The problem is mismatched expectations, not quite quitting.
All in all, quiet quitting doesn't seem to have many concrete downsides for employees.
Work orientations were developed to encourage employers to match their expectations with the expectations of their employees. Many routine jobs are best accomplished by someone who wants to clock in at nine and out at five and go home with a respectable paycheck.
Quiet quitting isn't a problem when everyone's expectations line up. Issues arise when you think you are hiring an ambitious go-getter, but it turns out that they are only looks for stability and a paycheck. This suggests that the biggest lesson for managers is clarifying expectations and reconnecting with their team to provide focus and direction.
Stratengy is here to help you navigate being a great leader in today’s world. Stratengy runs six-month Leadership Programs to transform your team. We incorporate the Disc Assessment and the Five Behaviors Assessment to improve trust, communication, and results for your team. Reach out to us today to learn how we can help you and your team be more engaged, collaborative, and productive.

Additional reading on Quiet Quitting: